Thursday, May 21, 2015

I love Springtime!!

Pink flowering crab tree

 Springtime!  My favorite time of the year....All the new life and the beautiful blossoms.  No weeds present yet....I love the blossoms of my flowering crab.  And the lovely hearts which dangle from my bleeding heart plant which I have attempted to plant on various occasions and have finally been blessed to have survive.

Bleeding heart

Alot of work goes into the spring with new mulch and transplants, but it is a labor of love...
salmon pink geraniums and impatiens.  I love a color theme...

A Beautiful hanging basket from my Daughter for Mothers Day and three flats of annuals in a salmon pink which is my color theme this year.  Can't wait to get them in the pots.

Then I have my secret Garden
areas for quiet peace 

Life is Blessed
and filled 
with God's Awesome
wonder and Beauty...
garden angel stake, gazing ball and garden chair

A little girl hiding on her bench among the hostas....

A secret door to a secret place....With the watching eyes of the bunny keeper....